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Tigran Abramyan

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design

Yi An

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design

Yamuna Ararithna

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Chemical Biology

Kimberly Barnash

Graduate Research Assistant
Chemical Biology

Kyle Butler

Peter Buttery

Graduate Research Assistant (James/Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology

Michelle Camerino

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Brittany Castellanos

Nick Chamberlain

Research Technician (Pattenden Lab)
Applied Epigenetic Screening Technologies
Joined 8/2019

Zhilong Chen

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Xin Chen

Ivie Conlon

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wang Lab)
Medicinal Chemistry
Joined 10/2020

Christian Cook

395 Student Fall 2022
Undergraduate Researcher (Pattenden Lab)
Applied Epigenetic Screening Technologies
Joined 3/2021

Chenxiao Da

Zhao Dang

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Lead Discovery and Characterization

Bradley Dickson

Ransheng Ding

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Sarah Dishman

Undergraduate Researcher
Chemical Biology

Manthi Dissanayake

Undergraduate Researcher (Pattenden Lab)

Kelly Eason

Isabelle Engelberg

Graduate Research Assistant (James/Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology
Joined 4/2018

Caroline Foley

Graduate Research Assistant (James/Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology
Joined 4/2018
2020-21 Division of Medicinal Chemistry Predoctoral Fellowship sponsored by Genentech

Harris Ford

Dottie Forthman

Administrative Support Specialist
Joined 8/2015

Alexandra Fraiser

SMART Program Summer 2021
Undergraduate Research Assistant (Pattenden Lab)
Applied Epigenetic Screening Technologies
Joined 5/2021

Merrill Froney

Graduate Research Assistant (Pattenden Lab)
Applied Epigenetic Screening Technologies
Joined 4/2020

Cen Gao

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design

Marta Glavatskikh

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Kireev Lab)
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design
Joined 9/2020

Shiva Guduru

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wang Lab)
Medicinal Chemistry
Joined 7/2018

Kenneth Guzman

Graduate Research Assistant (James/Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology
Joined 4/2019

Asher Hancock

Intern (Kireev Lab)
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design
Joined 3/2021

Ronan Hanley

Postdoctoral Research Associate (James/Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology
Joined 3/2018

Bryce Hart

Graduate Research Assistant (James/Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology
Joined 4/2019

Martin Herold

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Megan Hopkins

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wang Lab)
Medicinal Chemistry
Joined 7/2020

Daowei Huang

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wang Lab)
Medicinal Chemistry

Lakshmi Immaneni

Oscar Jaimes

Research Technician (Pattenden Lab)
Applied Epigenetic Screening Technologies
Joined 8/2019

Bill Janzen

Chatura Jayakody

Lab Manager (Janzen Lab)

Xinpeng Jiang

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Jian Jin

Umit Kaniskan

Sina Kazemzadeh

Chelsey King

Dmitri Kireev

Research Professor
Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry
Director, Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design

Deyu Kong

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wang Lab)
Medicinal Chemistry

Kyle Konze

Graduate Research Assistant
Medicinal Chemistry

Ilia Korboukh

Brian Kurish

Kelsey Lamb, PhD

Graduate Research Student (Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology

Jacob Larson

Graduate Research Assistant (Pearce Lab)
Lead Discovery and Characterization
Joined 4/2019
12/5/2022 Defends his PhD Thesis “Small molecule and peptide discovery for a
vulnerable KRAS mutant"

Christopher Launchbury

Visiting Researcher
Lead Discovery and Characterization

Junghyun Lee Suh

Postdoc, Global Health and Infectious Disease, UNC-CH
Graduate Research Student (Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology

Alban Lepailleur

Visiting Professor
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design

Bing Li

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Qinyang (Emma) Liu

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Jing Liu

Feng Liu

Anqi Ma

Christopher MacNevin

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Gandhar Mahadeshwar

Undergraduate Researcher
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design

Jyoti Mahajan

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wang Lab)
Medicinal Chemistry

Raquel Martinez Chacin

Graduate Research Assistant
Lead Discovery and Characterization

Travis Maxfield

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Popov Lab)
Computational Biophysics

Andrew McIver

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Naimee Mehta

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Chemical Biology

Sun-Joon Min

Nikta Nasri

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Pattenden Lab)2020

Melodie Noel

Research Technician (Pattenden Lab)

Felix Nwogbo

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Pearce Lab)
Lead Discovery and Characterization
Joined 2/2020

Samantha Pattenden

Research Associate Professor
Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry
Director of Applied Epigenetic Screening Technologies

Michael Perfetti

Graduate Research Assistant
Chemical Biology

Frances Potjewyd

Postdoctoral Research Associate, SGC, UNC-CH
Postdoctoral Research Associate (Frye Lab)

Ana Puhl

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Lead Discovery and Characterization

Apoorva Purohit

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Kireev Lab)
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design
Joined 8/2021

Austin Quimby

Research Technician (Pattenden Lab)

Justin Rectenwald

Graduate Research Assistant (Pearce Lab) 2016-2020
Lead Discovery and Characterization

Andrew Reiter

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Lead Discovery and Characterization

Kevin Rhash

Andres Santana

Morgan Sawyer

Megan Sawyer

Courtney Schaal

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Pattenden Lab)

Stephanie Cholensky Schindler

Research Technician (Pearce Lab)
Lead Discovery and Characterization

Keith Schmidt

Ganga Sharma

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design

Yudao Shen

Arunima Sikdar

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Pearce Lab)
Lead Discovery and Characterization

Strahinja Spasojevic

Business Development & Strategy Intern at InVMA Ltd., UNC-CH
Undergraduate Student (Pearce Lab) 2018-2019

Wendy Stewart

Jake Stuckey

Graduate Research Assistant
Chemical Biology

Holli-Joi Sullivan

Graduate Research Assistant (Kireev Lab)
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design
Joined 4/2021

Lauren Sweeney

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Pattenden Lab)
Applied Epigenetic Screening Technologies
Joined 8/2021

John Tabor

Postdoctoral Research Associate (James/Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology
Joined 9/2020

Published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society March 2023. The title of the article is “Discovery of a Potent and Selective Targeted NSD2 Degrader for the Reduction of H3K36me2”.

Michelle Thomas

Graduate Research Assistant (Pattenden Lab)
Applied Epigenetic Screening Technoligies
Joined 4/2021

Vikas Tyagi

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Qiang Tian

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Nicholas Toomer

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Pattenden Lab)
Applied Epigenetic Screening Technologies
Joined 5/2022

Dilipkumar Uredi

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wang Lab)
Medicinal Chemistry

Azul Vargas

Xiaowen Wang

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Pearce Lab)
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design
Joined 1/2022

Jarod Waybright

Postdoctoral Research Associate (James/Frye Lab)
Chemical Biology
Joined 10/2017
20-21 EII Graduate Student and Postdoc Award
Cancer Epigenetic Training Program Grant

Lindsey Wells

Gabrielle Whiten

Michael Williams

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Hathaway Lab)
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design
Joined 9/2017

Beau Worley

Yan Xiong

Chao Yang

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Xiaobao Yang

Gwonchan Yoon

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Computational Biophysics and Molecular Design

Weihe Zhang

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Dehui Zhang

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Yuewei Zhang

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Hongchao Zheng

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Langyou Zheng

Yiru Zhou

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Pattenden Lab) 2020

Jichen Zhao

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Medicinal Chemistry

Yubai Zhou

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Wang Lab)
Medicinal Chemistry
Joined 7/2019