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Tool Compounds – Definition and Availability

Tool Compounds are small molecular weight compounds of known structure from the literature that are not commercially available.  Tool Compounds are provided free to members of Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (LCCC) for oncology related projects.  For other faculty, we will obtain a price quotation for your review and approval.

To Request a Tool Compound from the Center please contact:

Jeff Aubé



Citing the CICBDD

If the CICBDD provides tool compounds that are used in your publication(s) please do two things: cite the CICBDD and let us know about your success! Citing the CICBDD and reporting the citation will help keep the tool compounds from the CICBDD available to you.

Reporting the publication. When reporting the citation please e-mail Ken Pearce at  with the citation in the following format: Authors, Title, PubMed reference.

Citing the CICBDD: If significant consultation is provided by the CICBDD co-authorship may be appropriate. If the CICBDD provides compounds that are used in your publication please use this reference:

“Compound ‘X’ was generously provided by the Center for Integrative Chemical Biology and Drug Discovery (CICBDD) and the University Cancer Research Fund. The CICBDD is directed by Kenneth Pearce, PhD at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Tool compound provision is managed by Jeff Aubé, PhD, Professor CICBDD.”